General Terms and Conditions & Consumer Information

1.1. CCT’s travel services generally do not include air transport to the event location. If the flight is not expressly stated in the travel advertisement as part of the package tour offered and carried out by CCT, CCT does not offer flight services as its own services, but rather as a brokered service in addition to the package tour.

1.2. Insofar as, in addition to the flight transport services, CCT arranges additional tourist ancillary services from other service providers (e.g. flight transport services plus a stay in the airport lounge) and these additional services from the other service provider do not make up a significant proportion of the total value of this service compilation and neither represent an essential feature of this service compilation of the service provider or of CCT itself are advertised as such, CCT only has the status of an intermediary.

1.3. As an agent, CCT has the status of an agent for related travel services, provided that the requirements for arranging related travel services from CCT are met in accordance with the legal provisions of Section 651w of the German Civil Code (BGB).

1.4. Without prejudice to CCT’s obligations as a provider of related travel services (in particular handing over the legally required form and implementing customer money protection in the event of CCT’s debt collection activity) and the legal consequences of non-fulfillment of these legal obligations, CCT is neither a tour operator if the requirements according to 1.2 or 1.3 are met still contractual partner of the contract for air transport that comes into being in the event of a booking. CCT is therefore not liable for the information provided by the brokered contractual partner regarding prices and services, for the provision of the service itself or for damages arising from these brokered services. Any liability of CCT arising from the brokerage contract and from legal provisions, in particular mandatory regulations on telemedia and electronic commerce, remains unaffected.

1.5. The position of agent obliges CCT in particular to:
a) In the respective offer to provide a service, point out CCT’s status as an agent, stating the provider and contractual partner in the case of booking
b) To show the price of the service provided separately from the price of the package tour
c) To issue the customer a booking confirmation corresponding to the above information, in which the price of the provided service is stated separately.

1.6. The above provisions remain unaffected by CCT’s liability under the brokerage agreement.

2.1. The following applies to all booking methods:

a) The basis of CCT’s offer and the customer’s booking are the travel advertisement and the additional information from CCT for the respective trip, insofar as these are available to the customer when booking.

b) Travel agents and booking offices are not authorized by CCT to make agreements, provide information or make assurances that change the agreed content of the package travel contract, go beyond the travel advertisement or the services contractually agreed to by CCT or contradict it.

c) Information in hotel guides and similar directories that are not published by CCT are not binding for CCT and CCT’s obligation to provide services, unless they have been made part of CCT’s obligation to provide services by express agreement with the customer.

d) If the content of CCT’s travel confirmation differs from the content of the booking, this represents a new offer from CCT, to which CCT is bound for a period of 7 days. The contract is concluded on the basis of this new offer to the extent that CCT has pointed out the change with regard to the new offer and has fulfilled its pre-contractual information obligations and the customer declares acceptance to CCT by express declaration or down payment within the binding period.

e) The pre-contractual information provided by CCT about essential characteristics of the travel services, the travel price and all additional costs, the payment modalities, the minimum number of participants and the cancellation fees (according to Article 250 § 3 numbers 1, 3 to 5 and 7 EGBGB) will only then not be valid Part of the package travel contract, provided this is expressly agreed between the parties.

f) The customer is liable for all contractual obligations of fellow travelers for whom he makes the booking, as well as for his own, insofar as he has assumed a corresponding obligation by express and separate declaration.

2.2. The following applies to bookings made verbally, by telephone, in writing, by email or by fax:

a) By booking, the customer makes a binding offer to CCT to conclude the package travel contract. The customer is bound to the booking for 14 days.

b) The contract is concluded upon receipt of the travel confirmation (declaration of acceptance) by CCT. Upon or immediately after conclusion of the contract, CCT will provide the customer with a travel confirmation that complies with the legal requirements on a durable data medium (which enables the customer to keep or save the declaration unchanged in such a way that it is accessible to him within a reasonable period of time, e.g. on paper or by email). Email), unless the traveler is entitled to a travel confirmation in paper form in accordance with Art. 250 § 6 Para. (1) Sentence 2 EGBGB because the contract was concluded in the simultaneous physical presence of both parties or outside of business premises.

2.3. When booking via electronic commerce (e.g. internet, app, telemedia), the following applies to the conclusion of the contract:

a) The electronic booking process will be explained to the customer in the relevant CCT application.

b) The customer has a corresponding correction option available to correct his entries, delete or reset the entire booking form, the use of which is explained.

c) The contract languages offered for making online bookings are indicated. Only the German language is legally relevant.

d) If the contract text is stored by CCT in the online booking system, the customer will be informed about this and about the possibility of later retrieving the contract text.

e) By pressing the “book with payment” button, the customer makes a binding offer to CCT to conclude the package travel contract. The customer is bound to this contract offer for 14 days from the sending of the electronic declaration.

f) Receipt of the booking will be confirmed to the customer immediately electronically.

g) Transmitting the booking by pressing the “book with payment” button does not constitute the customer’s claim to the conclusion of a package travel contract in accordance with his booking details. Rather, CCT is free to decide whether to accept the customer’s contract offer or not.

h) The contract is concluded when the customer receives the travel confirmation from CCT.

i) If the travel confirmation is made immediately after the customer has made the booking by pressing the “book with payment” button and the travel confirmation is immediately displayed on the screen (booking in real time), the package travel contract is concluded when this travel confirmation is received and displayed on the customer’s screen , without any interim notification of receipt of his booking

j) is required if the customer is offered the option of saving on a durable data medium and printing out the travel confirmation. However, the binding nature of the package travel contract is not dependent on the customer actually using these storage or printing options. CCT will also send the customer a copy of the travel confirmation in text form.

2.4. CCT points out that according to the legal regulations (§ 312 Para. 7 BGB) for package travel contracts according to § 651a and § 651c BGB, distance selling (letters, catalogues, telephone calls, faxes, e-mails, messages sent via mobile phone service (SMS ) as well as broadcasting, telemedia and online services), there is no right of withdrawal, but only the statutory rights of withdrawal and termination, in particular the right of withdrawal in accordance with Section 651h of the German Civil Code (see also section.6). However, a right of withdrawal exists if the contract for travel services according to Section 651a BGB was concluded outside of business premises, unless the oral negotiations on which the conclusion of the contract is based were conducted on the consumer’s previous order; In the latter case, there is also no right of withdrawal.

3.1. CCT and travel agents may only demand or accept payments on the travel price before the end of the package tour if there is an effective insurance contract and the security certificate with the name and contact details of the insurer has been given to the customer in a clear, understandable and highlighted manner. After conclusion of the contract, a deposit of 20% of the travel price plus a one-off booking fee and additional services is due upon delivery of the security certificate. The remaining payment is due 28 days before the start of the trip, provided that the security certificate has been handed over and the trip can no longer be canceled for the reason stated in Section 8. For bookings made less than 28 days before the start of the trip, the entire travel price is due for immediate payment.

3.2. If the customer does not make the down payment and/or the final payment in accordance with the agreed payment due dates, although CCT is ready and able to properly provide the contractual services, has fulfilled its legal information obligations and the traveler has no legal or contractual right of set-off or retention, and If the traveler is responsible for the late payment, CCT is entitled to withdraw from the package travel contract after a reminder with a deadline and after the deadline has expired and to charge the traveler with cancellation costs in accordance with Section 6.

4.1. Deviations from essential characteristics of travel services from the agreed content of the package travel contract, which become necessary after conclusion of the contract and were not brought about by CCT contrary to good faith, are permitted to CCT before the start of the trip, provided that the deviations are insignificant and do not affect the overall design of the trip.

4.2. CCT is obliged to inform the customer about changes to services immediately after becoming aware of the reason for the change on a durable medium (e.g. also by email, SMS or voice message) in a clear, understandable and highlighted manner.

4.3. In the event of a significant change to an essential feature of a travel service or a deviation from the customer’s special requirements that have become part of the package travel contract, the customer is entitled to either accept the change or to do so free of charge within a reasonable period of time set by CCT at the same time as notification of the change To withdraw from the package travel contract. If the customer does not expressly declare withdrawal from the package travel contract to CCT within the deadline set by CCT, the change is deemed to have been accepted.

4.4. Any warranty claims remain unaffected if the changed services have defects. If CCT had lower costs for carrying out the changed trip or a possibly offered replacement trip with equivalent properties at the same price, the difference must be reimbursed to the customer in accordance with Section 651m Paragraph 2 of the German Civil Code (BGB).

5.1. In accordance with Sections 651f, 651g of the German Civil Code (BGB) and the following regulations, CCT reserves the right to increase the travel price agreed in the package travel contract if this occurs after the contract has been concluded
a) increase in the price of passenger transport due to higher costs for fuel or other energy sources,
b) Increase in taxes and other charges for agreed travel services, such as tourist taxes, port or airport fees or
c) Changes in the exchange rates applicable to the package tour in question have a direct impact on the travel price.

5.2. An increase in the travel price is only permitted if CCT clearly and understandably informs the traveler in text form about the price increase and the reasons for it and informs them of how the price increase is calculated.

5.3. The price increase is calculated as follows:
a) If the price for the transport of passengers is increased in accordance with Section 5.1.a), CCT can increase the travel price in accordance with the following calculation:
In the event of an increase based on the seat, CCT can demand the increase amount from the customer.
Otherwise, the increased costs for fuel or other energy sources required by the transport company for each means of transport will be divided by the number of people transported. CCT can demand from the customer the resulting increase for each person transported. b) If taxes and other charges increase in accordance with Section 5.1.b), the travel price can be increased by the corresponding pro rata amount. c) If the exchange rates increase in accordance with Section 5.1.c), the travel price can be increased to the extent that the trip has become more expensive for CCT.

5.4. CCT is obliged to grant the customer/traveler a reduction in the travel price upon his request if and to the extent that the prices, duties or exchange rates mentioned in Section 5.1 a) -c) have changed after the conclusion of the contract and before the start of the travel and this at lower costs for CCT leads. If the customer/traveler has paid more than the amount owed hereunder, the excess amount must be reimbursed by CCT. However, CCT may deduct the administrative expenses actually incurred by CCT from the additional amount to be reimbursed. Upon request, CCT must provide the customer/traveler with proof of the amount of administrative expenses incurred.

5.5. Price increases are only permitted when received by the customer up to the 20th day before the start of the trip.

5.6. In the event of price increases of more than 8%, the customer is entitled to either accept the change or withdraw from the package travel contract free of charge within a reasonable period of time set by CCT at the same time as notification of the price increase. If the customer does not expressly declare withdrawal from the package travel contract to CCT within the deadline set by CCT, the change is deemed to have been accepted.

6.1. The customer can withdraw from the package travel contract at any time before the start of the trip. The withdrawal must be declared to CCT at the address given below; If the trip was booked through a travel agent, the cancellation can also be declared to them. The customer is recommended to declare the withdrawal in text form.

6.2. If the customer withdraws before the start of the trip or does not start the trip, CCT loses the right to the travel price. Instead, CCT can demand appropriate compensation if CCT is not responsible for the withdrawal. CCT cannot demand compensation if unavoidable, exceptional circumstances occur at the destination or in its immediate vicinity that significantly affect the implementation of the package tour or the transport of people to the destination; Circumstances are unavoidable and exceptional if they are beyond the control of the party invoking them and their consequences could not have been avoided even if all reasonable precautions had been taken.

6.3. CCT has set the following compensation rates taking into account the period between the declaration of withdrawal and the start of the trip as well as taking into account the expected savings in expenses and the expected acquisition through other uses of the travel services. The compensation will be calculated as follows at the respective cancellation scale after receipt of the declaration of withdrawal:

a) Bus trips and self-arrival
Cancellation up to 90 days before the start of the trip 20%
from the 89th day to 45 days before the start of the trip 50%
from the 44th day to 30 days before the start of the trip 60%
from the 29th day to 15 days before the start of the trip 70%
from the 14th day until 7 days before the start of the trip 80%
from the 6th day to 1 day before the start of the trip or if the trip does not start, 90% of the travel price

b) Air travel
1. Cancellation costs for accommodation and program

Cancellation up to 90 days before the start of the trip 20%
from the 89th day to 45 days before the start of the trip 50%
from the 44th day to 30 days before the start of the trip 60%
from the 29th day to 15 days before the start of the trip 70%
from the 14th day until 7 days before the start of the trip 80%
from the 6th day to 1 day before the start of the trip or if the trip does not start, 90% of the travel price

2. Cancellation costs for the flight

The cancellation conditions specified by the airline apply here. These will be communicated to the travel participant together with the flight price when booking.

6.4. In any case, the customer is free to prove to CCT that CCT suffered no damage at all or that the damage was significantly lower than the flat rate compensation requested by CCT.

6.5. A flat rate compensation in accordance with Section 6.3. is deemed not to have been specified and agreed if CCT proves that CCT incurred significantly higher expenses than the calculated amount of the flat rate in accordance with Section 6.3. In this case, CCT is obliged to specifically quantify and justify the requested compensation, taking into account the expenses saved and the acquisition of any other use of the travel services.

6.6. If CCT is obliged to refund the travel price as a result of a withdrawal, Section 651h Paragraph 5 of the German Civil Code (BGB) remains unaffected.

6.7. The customer’s legal right, in accordance with Section 651 e of the German Civil Code (BGB), to demand from CCT by means of a notification on a durable medium that a third party assumes the rights and obligations arising from the package travel contract instead of him, remains unaffected by the above conditions. Such a declaration is in any case timely if it is received by CCT 7 days before the start of the trip.

6.8. It is strongly recommended that you take out travel cancellation insurance and insurance to cover repatriation costs in the event of an accident or illness.

7.1. After conclusion of the contract, the customer is not entitled to make changes to the travel date, travel destination, place of departure, accommodation, type of food, type of transport or other services (rebooking). This does not apply if the rebooking is necessary because CCT has provided the traveler with no, insufficient or incorrect pre-contractual information in accordance with Art. 250 § 3 EGBGB; In this case, rebooking is possible free of charge. If, in other cases, a rebooking is carried out at the customer’s request, CCT can charge a rebooking fee from the customer for each traveler affected by the rebooking, provided the following deadlines are met. Unless otherwise agreed in individual cases before the rebooking is confirmed, the rebooking fee is EUR 20 per affected traveler up to the start of the second cancellation phase for the respective travel type in accordance with the above regulation in Section 6.

7.2. The customer’s rebooking requests that occur after the deadlines have expired can, if their implementation is possible at all, only be carried out after withdrawing from the package travel contract in accordance with Section 6 under the conditions and simultaneously re-registering. This does not apply to rebooking requests that only incur minor costs.

If the traveler does not make use of individual travel services that CCT was willing and able to provide in accordance with the contract for reasons attributable to the traveler, he is not entitled to a pro-rata refund of the travel price, unless such reasons do not allow him to do so in accordance with the statutory provisions would have been entitled to withdraw free of charge or to terminate the travel contract. CCT will endeavor to reimburse the service providers for the saved expenses. This obligation does not apply if the services are completely insignificant.

9.1. CCT can withdraw if a minimum number of participants is not reached in accordance with the following regulations:

a) The minimum number of participants and the latest date for receipt of CCT’s declaration of withdrawal by the customer must be stated in the respective pre-contractual information.
b) CCT must state the minimum number of participants and the latest cancellation deadline in the travel confirmation.
c) CCT is obliged to immediately notify the customer of the cancellation of the trip if it is certain that the trip will not be carried out due to the minimum number of participants not being reached.
d) A withdrawal from CCT later than 328 days before the start of the trip is not permitted.

9.2. If the trip is not carried out for this reason, the customer will immediately receive a refund of any payments made on the trip price; Section 6.6 applies accordingly.

10.1. The tour operator assumes that the traveler behaves appropriately. This includes respecting the customs, customs and laws of the host country, not violating the house rules of the hotel or the means of transport and not committing any crimes. If the traveler violates the rules, he or she will first be warned and, if this occurs again, he or she can be excluded from further travel without reimbursement of the travel price.

10.2. CCT can terminate the package travel contract without notice if, despite a warning from CCT, the traveler causes a lasting disruption or if the customer behaves in breach of contract to such an extent that immediate cancellation of the contract is justified. This applies in particular to serious violations (e.g. criminal offenses, intentional bodily harm, damage to property, theft, misuse of narcotics, etc.), if the accommodation company has issued a ban on entry due to the traveler’s violations or if the traveler continues to unreasonably interfere with interaction in the group. However, the above does not apply if the breach of contract is caused by a breach of CCT’s information obligations.

10.3. If CCT terminates, CCT retains the right to the travel price; However, CCT must take into account the value of the saved expenses as well as the benefits that CCT obtains from other uses of the unused service, including the amounts credited by the service providers.

11.1. Travel documents
The customer must inform CCT or the travel agent through whom the customer booked the package tour if the customer does not receive the necessary travel documents (e.g. flight ticket, hotel voucher) within the period notified by CCT.

11.2. Notification of defects/remedial action
a) If the trip is not free of travel defects, the traveler can request remedial action.
b) If CCT was unable to remedy the situation as a result of a culpable failure to report the defect, the traveler cannot assert claims for a reduction in price according to Section 651m of the German Civil Code (BGB) or claims for damages according to Section 651n of the German Civil Code (BGB).
c) The traveler is obliged to immediately notify the CCT representative on site of his report of defects. If a CCT representative is not available on site and is not contractually owed, any travel deficiencies must be reported to CCT at CCT’s designated contact point; Information about the availability of the CCT representative or his local contact point will be provided in the travel confirmation. However, the traveler can also notify the travel agent through whom he booked the package tour of the defect.
d) CCT’s representative is authorized to provide remedial action if possible. However, he is not authorized to recognize claims.

11.3. Setting a deadline before termination
If the customer/traveler wishes to terminate the package travel contract in accordance with Section 651l BGB due to a travel defect of the type described in Section 651i Paragraph (2) of the German Civil Code (BGB), if it is significant, the customer must first give CCT a reasonable deadline to provide remedial action. This only does not apply if the remedy is refused by CCT or if immediate remedy is necessary.

11.4. Damage to luggage and delays during air travel; special rules & deadlines for requesting redress
a) The traveler is advised that any loss, damage or delay of baggage in connection with air travel must be reported by the traveler immediately on site by means of a damage report (“P.I.R.”) to the responsible airline in accordance with aviation law regulations. Airlines and CCT may refuse refunds based on international agreements if the claim report has not been completed. The damage report must be submitted within 7 days of damage to luggage and within 21 days of delivery if luggage is delayed.
b) In addition, the loss, damage or misdirection of luggage must be reported immediately to CCT, its representative or contact point or the travel agent. This does not release the traveler from reporting the damage to the airline in accordance with letter a) within the above deadlines.

12.1. For packages that include medical services, spa treatments, wellness offers or comparable services, it is the customer’s responsibility to find out before booking, before starting the journey and before using the services whether the corresponding treatment or services are suitable for them, taking into account their personal health disposition, in particular any existing complaints or illnesses are suitable.

12.2. In this regard, CCT does not owe any special medical information or instruction about the consequences, risks and side effects of such services, particularly tailored to the respective customer, without an express agreement.

12.3. The above provisions apply regardless of whether CCT is only an agent of such services or whether they are part of the travel services.

13.1. CCT’s contractual liability for damages that do not result from injury to life, body or health and were not caused culpably is limited to three times the travel price. Possibly additional claims under the Montreal Convention or the Aviation Act remain unaffected by this limitation of liability.

13.2. CCT is not liable for service disruptions, personal injury and property damage in connection with services that are merely arranged as third-party services (e.g. arranged excursions, sporting events, theater visits, exhibitions) if these services are expressly stated in the travel advertisement and the travel confirmation and state the identity and address of the brokered contractual partner have been marked as third-party services so clearly that the traveler can clearly see that they are not part of CCT’s package tour and have been selected separately. Sections 651b, 651c, 651w and 651y BGB remain unaffected by this.

13.3. However, CCT is liable if and to the extent that the traveler’s damage was caused by the violation of CCT’s information, information or organizational obligations.

13.4. To the extent that services such as medical services, therapy services, massages or other medical treatments or services are not part of CCT’s package tour and are merely arranged by CCT in addition to the booked package in accordance with Section 12.2, CCT is not liable for the provision of services or for personal injury or property damage. The liability arising from the brokerage relationship remains unaffected by this. To the extent that such services are part of the travel services, CCT is not liable for any healing or treatment success.

The customer/traveler must assert claims against CCT in accordance with Section 651i Paragraph (3) No. 2, 4-7 BGB. The claim can also be made via the travel agent if the package tour was booked through this travel agent. The contractual claims listed in Section 651 i Paragraph (3) BGB expire after two years. The limitation period begins on the day on which the trip was supposed to end according to the contract. An assertion in text form is recommended.

15.1. CCT informs the customer when booking in accordance with the EU regulation on informing passengers about the identity of the operating air carrier before or at the latest when booking about the identity of the operating airline (s) with regard to all air transport services to be provided as part of the booked trip.

15.2. If the operating airline(s) has not yet been determined at the time of booking, CCT is obliged to inform the customer of the airline(s) that are likely to operate the flight. As soon as CCT knows which airline is operating the flight, CCT will inform the customer.

15.3. If the airline named to the customer as the operating airline changes, CCT will inform the customer of the change immediately and as quickly as is reasonably possible.

15.4. The “Black List” drawn up in accordance with the EC Regulation (airlines that are prohibited from using the airspace over member states) is available on the CCT website or directly via transport-themes/eu-air-safety-list_en can be accessed and viewed at CCT’s offices.

16.1. CCT will inform the customer/traveler about general passport and visa requirements as well as health formalities of the destination country, including the approximate deadlines for obtaining any necessary visas before the conclusion of the contract and about any changes to these before the start of the trip.

16.2. The customer is responsible for obtaining and carrying the travel documents required by the authorities, any necessary vaccinations and compliance with customs and foreign exchange regulations. Disadvantages that arise from non-compliance with these regulations, e.g. B. the payment of cancellation costs are at the expense of the customer/traveler. This does not apply if CCT has provided no information, inadequate information or incorrect information.

16.3. CCT is not liable for the timely issuance and access of necessary visas by the respective diplomatic mission if the customer has commissioned CCT to obtain them, unless CCT has culpably breached its own obligations.

17.1. The parties agree that the agreed travel services will always be provided by the respective service providers in compliance with and in accordance with the official regulations and requirements applicable at the time of the trip.

17.2. The traveler agrees to observe appropriate usage regulations or restrictions of the service providers when using travel services and to notify the tour guide and the service provider immediately in the event of typical symptoms of illness occurring.

17.3. The customer’s rights under Section 651i of the German Civil Code (BGB) remain unaffected by the above regulations.

The tour operator conducts group tours. While respecting the personal rights of the travelers, the tour operator creates audio and visual material of the travel participants and the travel experiences during the trip. The tour operator is entitled to freely use all images and audio material created by him for his own purposes.

The customer has no right to refuse publication. The customer is aware that recordings of his person will be made in accordance with the above paragraph and that such recordings will also be uploaded to the tour operator’s website and social media. The fact that such recordings are created and/or posted on the website is part of the journey.

By taking part in the trip, the travel participant and/or the legal guardian(s) hereby agree to this. The tour operator endeavors to meet the wishes of the customers.

19.1. With regard to the Consumer Dispute Resolution Act, CCT points out that CCT does not participate in voluntary consumer dispute resolution. If consumer dispute resolution becomes mandatory for CCT after these travel conditions have been printed, CCT will inform consumers of this in an appropriate form. CCT refers to the European online dispute resolution platform for all travel contracts concluded via electronic legal transactions.

19.2. For customers/travellers who are not nationals of a member state of the European Union or Swiss citizens, the exclusive application of German law is agreed for the entire legal and contractual relationship between the customer/traveller and CCT. Such customers/travellers can only sue CCT at CCT’s registered office.

19.3. For lawsuits brought by CCT against customers or contractual partners of the package travel contract who are merchants, legal entities under public or private law or persons who have their place of residence or habitual residence abroad or whose residence or habitual residence is not known at the time the lawsuit is filed , the place of jurisdiction is agreed to be the registered office of CCT.

© Diese Reisebedingungen sind urheberrechtlich geschützt; Noll | Hütten | Dukic Rechtsanwälte, München | Stuttgart, 2023


Reiseveranstalter ist: Crystal Collegium Travel GmbH, HRB: 184122; USt-IdNr.: 269222549, Geschäftsführer: Marco Lucarelli, Roberto Lucarelli, Andreas Höfler, Lindwurmstr. 80, 80337 München, Tel: 089 37954830, Fax: 089 37954839, E-Mail:


Crystal Collegium Travel GmbH
Lindwurmstraße 80
80337 München

As of April 2021, publisher and organizer responsible for the content.
Contact: Crystal Collegium Travel GmbH, Lindwurmstr. 80, 80337 Munich

Commercial register entry:
Munich District Court
HRB 184122
All rights reserved:
All images and texts on this homepage are the property of Crystal-Tours and are protected by international copyright regulations. No one is permitted to take images, text, layout or other data sets from this website. No part of the website may be reproduced, translated, transmitted or stored for commercial use without our express written permission.

Data Protection

As a user, you will receive all the necessary information in this data protection declaration about how, to what extent and for what purpose we or third parties collect data from you and use it. The collection and use of your data is carried out strictly in accordance with the requirements of the GDPR. We are particularly committed to the confidentiality of your personal data and therefore work strictly within the limits set by legal requirements. The collection of this personal data takes place on a voluntary basis. We also only pass on this data to third parties with your express consent. We ensure a high level of security for particularly confidential data, such as in payment transactions or with regard to your inquiries to us, by using SSL encryption. However, we would like to take this opportunity to point out the general dangers of using the Internet, over which we have no influence. Particularly when it comes to email communications, your data is not secure without further precautions and may be collected by third parties.

  • Crystal Collegium Travel GmbH
    Lindwurmstrasse 80
    80337 Munich
    If you have any questions, please contact our data protection officer at:
  • Crystal Collegium Travel GmbH
    Data Protection Officer
    Lindwurmstrasse 80
    80337 Munich

In compliance with data minimization, we only collect personal data to the extent and for as long as it is necessary to use our service or as required by law. We take the protection of your personal data seriously and strictly adhere to the relevant legal regulations and this data protection declaration when collecting and processing personal data. If the purpose of data collection no longer applies or the end of the statutory storage period has been reached, the data collected will be blocked or deleted. Our website can be used regularly without passing on personal data. If we collect personal data – such as your name, address or email address – this data collection is voluntary. Without your express consent, this data will not be made known to third parties.

In order to minimize data, the data required for the service is only collected in the form necessary. We do not collect data that is not necessary to fulfill the service.

We process the following data, which is collected voluntarily and to implement the services we offer.

  • Gender
  • First and Last Name
  • Address (street, zip code, city)
  • Birthdate
  • Telephone number
  • Email address
  • Travel data
  • Taking out insurance
  • Account details

We obtain additional data that is required for special cases through personal contact with the respective person using common means of communication. Primarily via email.
This could, for example, be the clarification of an insurance claim and the associated correspondence and mediation between the insured and the insurer.

All data stored by us is stored on servers located within the Federal Republic of Germany. Our server providers are therefore subject to the data protection law applicable in Germany, and therefore also to the new GDPR, valid since May 25, 2018.

Within our company, data is processed to fulfill the service. Only the necessary offices and departments that are involved in processing the service have access to the data. The data is used to book the trip. This includes, among other things, putting together the travel group, creating the individual booking with order confirmation, deposit invoice and main invoice as well as planning in our own CTS system. Your data will only be passed on to other companies with your consent and on the condition that these companies are part of the service. The data must be passed on to the following exemplary service providers, among others: ferry companies, airlines, bus companies and hotels. Furthermore, we do not actively pass on the data to third parties.

We secure your data in payment transactions. That’s why our site uses SSL encryption for security reasons and to protect your confidential and personal content when transmitting payment transactions. You can determine whether SSL encryption is activated or not. You can recognize the use of encryption in the address bar of the browser. Only when the regular display changes from “http://” to “https://” is the data transmission encrypted. The browser line “https://” indicates the use of SSL encryption; payment transactions are now encrypted. Activating SSL encryption makes it impossible for third parties to read your confidential data. Therefore, only transfer your data if SSL encryption is activated.

If you want to use the paid services offered on our website, we may need to collect additional data from you for billing purposes and for security reasons. This usually involves your name, a valid email address and, if necessary, your address and telephone number, as well as further information depending on the individual case. This may also include content that allows us to check the data provided, such as your ownership of the email address provided. For legal reasons, we must ensure that you actually want to receive the services offered and that we can properly invoice you for the service. To secure your data, we use the SSL encryption standard in payment transactions, which can be recognized by the browser line “https://”.

Data collected from minors as a result of the service requires the consent of the legal guardian. We will request this for confirmation after checking your age. For this purpose, the age is checked when entering data. If the person is a minor, additional data entry is displayed which establishes contact with the parents in order to obtain their consent.

We will actively use the data until the service is fulfilled. These then remain in our database in order to be able to comply with legal documentation requirements and business management tasks.

All data we store is regularly saved to other storage media as a backup. This is to protect against data loss. This is to quickly restore the availability and access to personal data in the event of a physical or technical incident. Of course, if you request data deletion, the data on the backups will also be deleted. This will be done at the latest during the next backup run after the data has been deleted. The backup storage media are located on our business premises and therefore in the Federal Republic of Germany.

You will receive free information at any time about the personal data we have stored about you as well as the origin, recipient and purpose of data collection and data processing. You also have the right to request the correction, blocking or deletion of your data. Excluded from this are data that are retained due to legal regulations or required for proper business transactions. So that a data lock can be implemented at any time, data is kept in a lock file for control purposes. If data is not collected by a legal archiving requirement, we will delete your data at your request. If the archiving requirement applies, we will block your data.

On some of our pages we use so-called “session cookies” to make it easier for you to use our websites. These are small text files that are only stored on your hard drive for the duration of your visit to our website and, depending on the settings of your browser program, are deleted again when you close the browser. These cookies do not retrieve any information about you stored on your hard drive and do not affect your PC or its files. Most browsers are set to automatically accept cookies. However, you can deactivate the storage of cookies or set your browser to alert you when cookies are sent.

The offering on our website may also include content, services and benefits from other providers that complement our offering. Examples of such offers are maps from Google Maps, YouTube videos or graphic representations from third parties. Accessing these services from third parties regularly requires the transmission of your IP address. This makes it possible for these providers to perceive your user IP address and also store it. We make every effort to only include third parties that use IP addresses solely to deliver the content. However, we have no influence on which third party may store the IP address. This storage can, for example, serve statistical purposes. If we become aware of storage processes by third parties, we will immediately inform our users of this fact. In this context, please also note the special data protection declarations for individual third-party providers and service providers whose services we use on our website. You can also find these in this data protection declaration.

You will find plugins from the social network Facebook on our website. Its provider is Facebook Inc. It is based in the USA, California 94025, 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park. The Facebook logo or the “Like” button on our site identifies the Facebook plugins so that you can recognize them. Please also note the overview of the Facebook plugins at When you visit our website, we establish a direct connection to the Facebook server via the plugin. You are then switched there via your browser. For Facebook this is associated with the information that you have visited our website with your IP address. By clicking on the Facebook “Like button” you link content from our website to your profile on Facebook. For Facebook, your visit to our site can be assigned to your user account. We have no knowledge of what type of content is transmitted to Facebook or how Facebook uses it. You can find further information on data collection and data use in the Facebook data protection declaration, which you can find at You can prevent your visit to our site from being associated with your Facebook profile by simply logging out of your Facebook account beforehand.

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). Use is based on Article 6 Paragraph 1 Sentence 1 Letter f of the GDPR. Google Analytics uses so-called “cookies”, text files that are stored on your computer and that enable your use of the website to be analyzed.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website such as

  • Browser type/version.
  • Operating system used.
  • Referrer URL (the previously visited page).
  • Host name of the accessing computer (IP address).
  • Time off.

Server requests are usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not combined with other Google data. We have also expanded Google Analytics on this website to include the code “anonymizeIP”. This guarantees that your IP address is masked so that all data is collected anonymously. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and shortened there.

On behalf of the operator of this website, Google will use this information to evaluate your use of the website, to compile reports on website activities and to provide other services related to website activity and internet usage to the website operator. You can prevent the storage of cookies by setting your browser software accordingly; However, we would like to point out that in this case you may not be able to use all functions of this website to their full extent.

You can also prevent Google from collecting the data generated by the cookie and relating to your use of the website (including your IP address) and from processing this data by Google by downloading the browser plug-in available under the following link and install: As an alternative to the browser add-on, especially for browsers on mobile devices, you can also prevent data collection by Google Analytics by clicking on this link. An opt-out cookie will be set to prevent future collection of your data when you visit this website. The opt-out cookie only applies in this browser and only for our website and is stored on your device. If you delete the cookies in this browser, you will have to set the opt-out cookie again. [Note Information on integrating the opt-out cookie can be found at:].

We continue to use Google Analytics to evaluate data from double-click cookies and AdWords for statistical purposes. If you do not want this, you can deactivate this via the ad preferences manager (

Further information on data protection in connection with Google Analytics can be found in the Google Analytics help (

We use a plugin from the Google Maps internet service on our website. The operator of Google Maps is Google Inc., based in the USA, CA 94043, 1600 Amphitheater Parkway, Mountain View. By using Google Maps on our website, information about your use of this website and your IP address will be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and also stored on this server. We have no knowledge of the exact content of the data transmitted or how it is used by Google.

In this context, the company denies the connection of the data with information from other Google services and the collection of personal data.

However, Google may transmit the information to third parties. If you disable Javascript in your browser, you will prevent Google Maps from running.

However, you will then not be able to use the map display on our website.

By using our website, you agree to the collection and processing of information by Google Inc. as described. You can find out more about the data protection regulations and terms of use for Google Maps here: /terms_maps.html.

Instagram plugin
We also integrate functions of the online service Instagram on our website. The provider of these functions is Instagram Inc. It is based in the USA, CA 94025, 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park. The Instagram button allows you to link to your Instagram account when you visit our pages, provided you are logged in to Instagram. Instagram thus receives information about your visit to our website and can assign this visit to your Instagram profile. We have no knowledge of the content of the information transmitted or how it is used by Instagram. You can find further information about data collection and data use by Instagram in the Instagram data protection declaration at

We also use functions of the microblogging service Twitter on our website. Twitter is operated by Twitter Inc. The US company is based in the USA, San Francisco, CA 94103, 1355 Market St, Suite 900.

The main function of Twitter is the “Tweet function”.

If you use this via our website, it will be linked to your Twitter account. Data may be exchanged with other users and data may be transferred to Twitter. We do not receive any knowledge of the content of the data sent to Twitter, nor are we informed of its use. Find out more about these questions at

There you will find Twitter’s detailed privacy policy. The platform also offers you the opportunity to design your data protection settings yourself via

We use WhatsApp to make contact between our sales team and interested parties easier.
The Whatsapp number provided on our homepage is only used for initial contact.
The request is then assigned to a sales representative.
The chat history of the request will then be deleted from WhatsApp.
If a different communication platform is desired, this can be discussed with our sales team.
Please note that Whatsapp stores all data in non-European countries.

We offer the opportunity to use an app we developed ourselves on our trips.
This app takes over the login data from the existing customer login. (Booking number + password).
Using the app is free of charge.
The app accesses the data you registered. This allows the app to be personalized and provided with the data necessary for travel processing.
The app gives the customer the opportunity to view their travel program, locations of the destination and more.
We do not use any data used in the app for any other purposes.
The app is not used for data collection or advertising purposes. It is purely a service provided by Crystal Collegium Travel GmbH.

As part of the legal imprint obligation, we have to publish our contact details. These are sometimes used by third parties to send unwanted advertising and information. We hereby object to any sending of advertising material of any kind that we have not expressly authorized. We also expressly reserve the right to take legal action against the unwanted and unsolicited sending of advertising material. This applies in particular to so-called spam emails, spam letters and spam faxes. We would like to point out that the unauthorized transmission of advertising material can affect competition law, civil law and criminal law. Spam emails and spam faxes in particular can lead to high claims for damages if they disrupt business operations by overfilling mailboxes or fax machines.

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